Here are some results that we have obtained.
All rape charges were dropped against private school student accused of sexually assaulting a classmate. It took a battle of a year-and-a-half before prosecutors nol prossed the charges against D.T the day before jury selection.
Banking Commission withdrew all accusations against car dealership after two days of hearings at the commission offices. Dealer's license remained safe.
NH Department of securities withdrew all accusations against a New Hampshire licensed finacial planner. Accusations were withdrawn after a three hour debriefing.
Endangering the welfare of a minor charges dropped after prosecutor was convinced that no crime had, in fact, occurred.
Shoplifting charges against J.B. were nol prossed by prosecutor. Prosecutor was convinced that J.B. was not aware of what she was doing and no crime took place.
Felony Robbery charges were reduced to Misdemeanor theft charges after negotiatio with the prosecutor.
K.B, a nurse, was acquitted of a total of 15 felony charges after a jury trial in Merrimack County Superior Court. She had been accused of diverting narcotics from the emergency department. The trial was over a week in length and we were very gratified with the result.
Assault charges dropped against J.S. He was accused of assaulting and threatening his ex-son-in-law who was found to be not credible.
Honors violation against a law student was dismissed after a 2 day hearing.
B.N. was charges with 14 charges including one felony. The entire matter was happily resolved with a plea to a single misdemeanor.
All charges were dropped against MM. He had been charged with two felonies: reckless conduct with a firearm and possession with intent. He had been scheduled to enter a plea to the felonies and go to jail for a year under a deal arranged with his prior attorney. Attorney Moir convinced the prosecutor to conditionally drop the charges so long as MM wrote letters of apology and perform community service.
An assault charged filed against a nurse who was accused of assaulting a patient was dropped. A meeting with the prosecutor convinced her that there was no basis for the charge even though the police disagreed.
An auto dealership was cleared by the Department of Safety of unfair business practices. A full hearing was held and the hearing examiner made all findings in favor of the dealer.
A burglary charge that had been filed against P.B. was dropped. Prosecutors finally agreed that there was insufficient evidence that P.B had committed the crime. Other charges were dismissed after a suppression motion was granted.
Domestic assault charges were dropped against S.C. after Attorney Moir obtained a statement from an eyewitness that contradicted the alleged victim's version of events.
A petition filed against B.N. was thrown out after a contested hearing.
M.M. was found not guilty after a jury trial in Merrimack County Superior Court. M.M. had been charged with domestic assault. The jury found that his soon-to-be ex-wife was not believable and that the officers who testified did a poor investigation.
D.F. was found not guilty of shoplifting after a jury trial in Hillsborough County Superior Court. The jury quickly found that D.F. had mistakenly left Home Depot without paying rather than purposely not paying.
E.P was found not guilty of domestic assault and other misdemeanors after a trial in Manchester District Court.